Primary Scripture: Exodus 33:12-23
BIG IDEA: God is glorious – overwhelming by His nature and character.
Message Focus: More than anything, it seems the Moses simply wanted to be with God. His request of God in Exodus 33 was: “Show me Your glory.” God promised to have His goodness and His glory pass by. Moses would be allowed to look at God’s “back” but not His face.
God’s glory is central. In fact, all of time and space was created for God’s glory. Creation declares the glory of God. In John 17, part of Jesus’ prayer was the fact that He brought glory to God while He was on earth and Jesus looked forward to returning to His own glory in heaven.
Prompting Questions: What are various ways God’s glory is revealed in the Bible? Research the Hebrew word “kabod” and the Greek word “doxa” – how do these help us understand God’s glory? What are responses within people when they see the glory of God?
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