How to Live the Bible

March 2, 2025

Series: The Bible

Topic: Bible

Book: Luke

Audio Download

Primary Scripture: Luke 11:28

BIG IDEA: God intends the truth of Scripture to change the way we think and live.

Message Focus: Jesus said that those who hear the word of God and put it into practice are happy and have God’s favor upon them. “Hear and obey” is a consistent message throughout the Bible. Whether it’s the good news of Jesus or the new way of living that stems from a life that’s been made new through Christ, it’s clear that God invites us to act on truth. For most people, one of the most difficult parts of saying YES to Jesus is believing that living a transformed life will lead to joy, but that’s exactly what scripture promises. Jesus came to give life, and life to the full!

Cross References: John 10:10, Matthew 12:50, Mark 3:35, John 15:14, Psalm 1:1, Jeremiah 17:7, Psalm 40:4, Matthew 5:3-12, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, John 14:15, 1 John 4:19, Romans 5:8, Philippians 2:8, John 15:10-11.