Primary Scripture: Exodus 33:7-11
Big Idea: God is immanent – nearby, even though He is transcendent at the same time.
Message Focus: Exodus 33 described a tent outside the camp where God met with Moses. God spoke with Moses, “as one speaks to a friend.” What a powerful description of Moses’ relationship with God. What was unique for Moses is now common for every genuinely born-again believer. Not only does God speak to His people, but through the Holy Spirit, He lives within them! God is approachable by all who will put their faith in Jesus Christ.
Prompting Questions: What does it mean that the transcendent God of the universe is also immanent? What are the closest relationships you have? What are the defining characteristics of these relationships? How does God use relationships to teach us about Him?
Cross References: Isaiah 43:3; Amos 3:7; John 10:27;15:15; Hebrews 4:14-16
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