How To Be A Neighbor | Welcome Home

October 20, 2024

Series: Welcome Home

Topic: Hospitality

Book: Luke

How To Be A Neighbor | Welcome Home
Audio Download

Primary Scripture: Luke 10:25-37

BIG IDEA: Jesus empowers us to be neighbors toward everyone, especially our enemies.

Focus: There seems to be two layers to this parable. The first is obvious: followers of Jesus should serve and help others who are in need. The second is seen in the light of the gospel: Jesus is the Samaritan, the outcast, who helps those who are “half dead”, us. It was the Jewish religious leaders who refused to help. Jesus is the ultimate neighbor.

Prompting Questions: What prompted this interaction and parable? How did Jews define “neighbor” and did Jesus challenge that idea? What are barriers to people showing hospitality and serving others?

Cross References: Luke 1:76-79; Galatians 5:14; Leviticus 19:18

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